Why do I tell you this? Well, while we knew these guys were in a band we've never actually seen them play. So last time we were there their bass player gave us a copy of their album. I say us, they gave it to our singer, but I got an erection off the cover so I stole it from him when he was in a drunken sleep. The cover displays the 2 greatest men in history, William Shatner and Leonard Nemoy, fully dressed in their sexy-ass star fleet uniforms. With the words:
It's Punk Rock Jim
But Not As We Know It
Sadly I couldn't get a jpeg off it, but you can see why I needed to have it. although I've had this CD for a while, I hadn't had much of a chance to listen to it until yesterday. I put it on and MY GOD I really fucking liked it. I really fucking did.
They sound basically like the Ramones's paranoid cousins on meth. A sound which I truly enjoy. The drums are powerful and extremely in your face, just like the flat growling vocals, driving basslines and positive adjective guitar. Each song is about 2 minutes long (with some exceptions) which are perfect punk rock lengths. Being the nutter alien conspiracy freako that I am, lyrics about conspiracy theories and TV were perfect for me.
Please check them out. I don't know how bands like this are giving away free CD's and [insert shitty pop act] are still allowed to make shitty "music"!
hey thanks for the positive stuff, stu-bug
the whole album is there for download. video section too. :)